Friday, April 9, 2010

Are You Being Secretly Controlled?

When most people refer to subliminal messaging, they are usually referring to written statements flashed on a screen for fractions of second, during a commercial or propaganda piece.  This technique was used by the Nazis during World War II.  It was also popular in American advertising during the 50’s and 60’s. The effectiveness of this particular form of subliminal messaging is questionable. Research has shown varying results, and no firm conclusion can be made regarding the efficacy of this technique.

The term  "subliminal" refers to a stimulus that occurs below the conscious surface of the mind. Hence it is not restricted to written statements flashed on a screen. It also includes auditory statements delivered at decibel levels below conscious hearing.  Similar to flashes of visual stimulus, this form of subliminal messaging is also questionable in regards to its efficacy.

There is another form of subliminal messaging which is proving to be quite effective. It is currently being used by psychologists, Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioners, and salespeople all over the world. While other forms of auditory subliminal messaging are required to be delivered below the volume of conscious hearing, this version is performed at blatantly audible levels. There are various techniques involved in this form of subliminal messaging. For an in depth study, please refer to the book, Guide to Trance-formation by Richard Bandler. The technique that I have found most useful when reprogramming Self-Talk is the use of an embedded commands.

Embedded commands are individual instructions contained within a larger sentence or phrase. If constructed properly they would stand on their own as a sentence. When delivered properly they speak directly to the subconscious mind while the larger phrase addresses the conscious mind.  When used while programming new Self-Talk, embedded commands are highly effective at creating new perspectives, thought patterns, and habits. For more information on how to create, use, and improve your embedded commands, please check back for future posts.

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